
Business Benefits of Using Manta

Proper usage of an organization’s data is crucial to staying competitive and navigating constant digital transformation. Organizations have complex systems with millions of data flows. Additionally, their trust in data is undermined, operational costs are skyrocketing, and every change has unpredictable consequences. Manta's UNIFIED LINEAGE PLATFORM is here for you, to help you understand your organization’s ocean of data. Here are the details on how Manta helps you boost governance efforts, boost DataOps, shorten time-to-market, speed up the modernization process, and ensure data quality and security.

Refine Your Data Governance Program

A data governance program serves the crucial purpose of supporting the overall data management strategy. If it’s done properly, you can be sure that the data your organization is processing can be trusted and is being used as intended.

Business benefit-1

Manta's platform supports your governance initiative by leveraging automation and documenting your complete data lineage, providing all possible data users with a complete, comprehensive, and accurate map of all data flows. Automation allows you to cut down on manual effort when collecting the lineage as well as accelerate data discovery, detect even the smallest changes to your systems, and ensure transparent and accurate reporting. All of this completely risk-free and failproof.

Fast and Painless Infrastructure Modernization and Migration

Are you modernizing your existing systems or migrating them to the cloud? It is a major challenge to renovate systems that have been developed, adjusted, enhanced, and changed over the course of many years. Such systems operate with a multitude of sources using a vast number of technologies and were built with skills from many disciplines by team members who have moved on or are no longer in the roles they were in when the applications were originally designed.

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Manta instantly scans these to-be-modernized systems and simplifies them, identifying dependencies and making clearer what needs to be migrated and what can be ignored. Migration projects can be scoped more easily, allowing you to prioritize critical tasks and deliver new functionality in a phased approach. Ultimately, this allows you to deliver new functionality more quickly and enables the functionality needed to drive your business, leaving your competitors behind. Learn more about how Manta can help with migration projects.

Reduce the Cycle Time of Data Analytics

With the amount of data collected today and the complexity of the environments where it’s stored, it’s becoming more and more challenging to map data across multiple systems, analyze it thoroughly, and make it meet various business requirements, whether it’s shortening time to market, performing an impact or root-cause analysis, or speeding up development.

To help you with this, not only does the Manta platform draw a map of all data flows, transformations, and dependencies, but it also comes with settings and filters that allow you to fine-tune the visualization outcome to any user’s needs. It enables collaboration between data users, allowing them to immediately perform necessary analyses, whether they are assessing the impact of a planned change or they are trying to identify what has caused an existing problem, fix it, and never let it happen again. Carrying out instant impact analyses with Manta's automated lineage significantly accelerates software testing and enables continuous deployment. With an accurate and up-to-date overview of all data sources, transformations, and dependencies, Manta facilitates data mapping by providing you with an overview of the actual state of your assets that helps you determine what data is stored and where.


Trust Your Data and Make the Best-Informed Decisions Ever To stay on top of the game and make flawless business decisions, trustworthy data is a must. But how can you trust something that you don’t understand? That’s another good reason to use Manta's platform which shows data journeys in a way that is as clear as day for everyone at all levels of the organization. Not only does the platform visualize the lineage, but it also updates it automatically whenever necessary, which eliminates human error and provides 100% accurate lineage. Instead of making decisions according to habitual assumptions, you can make informed decisions based on hard facts.

Save Money, Time, and Resources

One of the platform’s main objectives is to enable self-service—allow all users working with the data to understand and get the most out of it. Manta's lineage is adjusted to the user’s level of technical understanding, which means that all decision makers can focus on what they know best instead of wasting time contacting the IT department or external specialists. A better understanding of your data will also allow you to prioritize tasks and achieve common team goals faster. And we know that to achieve those goals it’s necessary to bring various data professionals into the fold—it might mean creating a completely new data team or restructuring the existing ones. Either way, Manta's platform helps you save time that would have been spent on technical onboarding. Thanks to automated and always up-to-date lineage, even large data environments require less maintenance time, allowing team members to focus on product delivery instead.

Achieve Full Regulatory Compliance

These days, regulatory compliance holds important sway over most organizations due to its potential for tremendous impact. The consequences of failing to comply with GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, BASEL II/III, or BCBS 239 are rather unpleasant—hefty fines, downtime and loss of productivity, loss of credibility and customer trust, and even imprisonment.

Luckily, with Manta, you are always one step ahead of the auditors. Our unified lineage allows you to identify the origins of sensitive data, the various locations where it’s stored, who can access it, which data should be anonymized, and so forth so you can present those details whenever you need to prove that the organization handles sensitive data properly and can prevent data breaches.

Business benefi-3

Data transparency is also crucial for financial institutions trying to meet their regulatory compliance obligations.

Financial organizations must be able to demonstrate traceability for risk and exposure calculations and be able to illustrate the sources leading to such calculations. Data awareness is an important part of BCBS 239 principles, and our unified lineage platform is here for you to ensure that your data is available and understandable at all business levels, allowing you to meet the demands of your regulators. Read more about how Manta helps organizations adhere to specific data-related regulations such as CCPA, GDPR, HIPAA, BASEL II/III, and BCBS 239.

Data Quality Enhancement and Data Security Enforcement

Knowing data flows across the organization’s systems and all their backstreets is beneficial in terms of ensuring data integrity, tracking information, and proper data usage. It will also enable you to understand data patterns and quickly detect abnormal behavior to prevent data breaches

These are the most typical situations where business users find data lineage useful. However, Manta wears many hats and is always shooting for the stars. Hit us up. Let’s talk and see how Manta can help you today! Schedule a demo at